Having worked at my internship at London Ethnic during LFW I got to walk around and see a bit of the streetstyle around the venue. As you can see most of the pictures they are quite blurry and seem to be taken in a rush which I think is an accurate picture to paint of anyone's time at LFW this year. Brewer street was busy, buzzing with photographers, bloggers and streetstyle stars. It was cramped and I barely had the time to look around to what was going on around me. The best time and place for observing the vibe of the city was when we were sitting in a restaurant across the street from the actual venue. It was like window shopping for new style inspiration, sitting there looking at all the cool kids and insiders walking by. Here's a few photos that I hastily snapped on my iPhone whilst running from one place to another; I hope they demonstrate the plethora of interesting styling techniques and people that were around London during the week.